Sunday, March 13, 2011

9 days old

To begin, I type this one handed at a strange angle with Craig II sleeping soundly on my chest. Spoiled... maybe a little but why not. Just 9 days ago he was warm and cozy inside my tummy. Wow what a week it has been with all the ups and downs. I've been in lots of pain since delivery but can tell that I am starting to heal physically. I've never been so exhausted in my life, but Little Craig is so worth every lost minute of sleep, even if I am pretty crabby at 3 am.

Thank God for all the help I have received this week. Grandparents, Aunts and Cousins have been wonderful. Grandma Ginger stayed a few days and will come back tomorrow once Craig goes back to work. She cooks and helps with the oodles of laundry. Grandma Riley comes over in the afternoon and has helped so much. She fixed our broken washer this afternoon.Cousin Lisa brought us dinner of chicken noodle soup and salad and yummy cake :) Aunt Kim came through and organized the kitchen and gave me a few minutes to get a shower. She also went shopping for Little Craig when he came early and smaller than we thought he would. She got him a few very cute little outfits. I love taking pictures of Little Craig in all his outfits. Just don't tell Big Craig that I am pulling out the camera all the time. I can't help it. I want to capture all the moments I possibly can.

I am actually enjoying today. Little guy is starting to get on a slight schedule for his feedings & changing. He loves being held and I love holding him. His favorite pastime at this moment is eating his hand. I am starting to relax a little and enjoy him. I never could have imagined how much I would love this little guy. He really is a good baby. He (so far) does not cry unless he needs something. Such a sweetie. Now if only mommy could get some good sleep tonight!